Irrigation Innovation Consortium
New research in 2022
The IIC has announced $1 million for new research to advance irrigation management. Through the RFP process, the IIC has selected four new research projects to begin this summer. The consortium encourages private and public entities to combine their expertise to accelerate the development and application of new knowledge and technologies to benefit the irrigation sector and society. Funds and partner match committed to new research in this competitive project cycle total $1.05 million. IIC administers this research grant program by leveraging a $5 million award from the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) that is matched with non-federal contributions from industry and other partners.

The newly-launched Irrigation Innovation Consortium (IIC) is a way for public-sector researchers and industry partners to co-develop, test, and improve cutting-edge irrigation innovations, equipment, technology, and decision and information systems. Because every drop of water counts, consortium members will work together to get these new technologies into the hands of producers.
The IIC is funded by a $5 million grant from the Foundation of Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR), with matching funding from partners, for a total of $10 million.
Along with Kansas State Research and Extension, the Consortium will have four initial university partners and five additional partners from industry and other national organizations.
Press Releases
Read the KSRE press release about the Irrigation Innovation Consortium Launch.
Read the FFAR press release about the new Irrigation Innovation Consortium.
Partner Information and Links
- Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR)
- California State University, Fresno
- Colorado State University
- Texas A&M Agrilife Research
- Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln
- Jain Irrigation
- Lindsay Corporation
- Rubicon Water
- Irrigation Association
- Northern Colorado Conservation District