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Kansas Center for Agricultural Resources and the Environment (KCARE)


Leading the way: Partnerships and Research

A person in a green shirt kneels by a well and takes a water sampleHow well do you Know Your Water? If the answer is "not great," well, let us reintroduce you! Thanks to support from K-State 105, we're working with partners from the City of Hays, Fort Hays State University, Cottonwood Extension District and Twin Creeks Extension District to raise awareness about water quality in private wells. As part of this work, our team updated several key extension publications that are available now, so download your copies!

We know that our successes are only possible because of the strength of our partnerships. Whether that's our extension specialists working one-on-one with Kansas producers to safeguard water quality, or university scientists researching innovative conservation management practices, KCARE team members work to conserve the natural resources in our state while promoting the sustainable use of those resources.

Putting our natural resources to work ... but better

Three men in blue jeans, two standing on ladders and the third balanced on a cross beam, hold a large metal solar panel parallel to the ground.KCARE's mission has always been to balance the use of our state's natural resources with the protection of those resources. To that end, our specialists and other researchers are always looking for better, more sustainable solutions to everyday issues. Like this solar-powered pump, for example! Head over to our Watershed Research and Implementation Partnership page to learn more about other projects like this one.

Partner with us

Kansas State University established KCARE in order to coordinate and enhance the research, extension, and teaching activities that focus on environmental issues relating to agriculture. KCARE supports research spanning multiple departments and disciplines: soil science, smoke management, cropping systems, water quality and irrigation, fertilizer research, and climate studies.

purple KCARE logoIt is our privilege and pleasure to work with research and extension faculty, students, and members of our community to explore new ways to create quality solutions for the environmental issues our state faces now and into the future. Through our partnerships, we are helping Kansas agriculture remain successful and sustainable.

Copies of the KCARE logo are available for interested stakeholders. Possible uses include as a link to the KCARE website on personal or departmental webpages, or on brochures or handouts including KCARE-supported research. Contact KCARE for more information.


Contact Us

Kansas Center for Agricultural
Resources and the Environment
Susan Metzger, Ph.D., Director
144 Waters Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-4008


Follow @KStateKCARE on Facebook and X/Twitter! 

We want to see you at the farm!

The Flickner Innovation Farm is hosting an August Demonstration Day, where you can get up close and see all the newest technologies in use. Learn more about the day and how to register.

New Publication Available

The KCARE team has been working in partnership with other extension specialists and professionals to update the publication Waterers and Watering Systems: A Handbook for Livestock Producers and Landowners. While the handbook won't be published in full until the beginning of the year, some resources are now available online. Check them out!