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  6. »Big Creek and Middle Smoky Hill Watersheds

Kansas Center for Agricultural Resources and the Environment (KCARE)

Big Creek and Middle Smoky Hill Watersheds

Who We are and What We Do

The Big Creek Middle Smoky Hill River Watershed Restoration And Protection Strategies (WRAPS) project began in November 2003 as a process where local agriculture producers, rural residents, along with city, county and state government could identify water quality and quantity concerns.  The WRAPS group coordinates these efforts within the 2,400 square miles the watersheds encompassing reaching into portions of 10 counties in west-central Kansas which is home to Big Creek, the Smoky Hill River, and Kanopolis Reservoir.  Since then much has changed in the process but much remains the same as we are committed to serve and educate the citizens of the watershed on water protection strategies.  The program was initiated to protect and/or improve water resources in the area by serving as a liasion between the producer/citizen and federal government programs.


an infographic indicating the three different types of BMPs used most often in this watershed

Water Quality BMP Signs

Alternative Water SupplyGrassed WaterwaysRotational Grazing
Brush ManagementLevel TerracesShelterbelt
Conservation Buffer StripsLivestock Waste SystemStreambank Stabilization
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)Minimum TillageStream Crossings
Critical SeedingNative PlantingsStrip Tillage
Field BordersNo-Till FarmingWeed Barrier
Filter StripsParallel TerracesWildlife Windbreaks
Graded TerracesPrescribed GrazingWindbreaks for Livestock Use


Water quality videos

Watershed Specialist Stacie Minson provides specific advice for community members about how to protect water quality in your area.


These projects have been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under assistance agreement to KCARE.  The contents of these pages do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the EPA, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.



Stacie Minson
BCMSHR Watershed Specialist
120 N. Main Street
WaKeeney, KS 67601
Office: 785-814-7100
785-769-3297 cell
785-743-5276 fax

What's that Word?

Watershed: The area of land which supplies water to a stream and its tributaries by direct runoff and by groundwater contribution.

Watershed Restoration And Protection Strategy (WRAPS): A plan of restoration and protection goals and actions for a watershed's surface and groundwaters.

Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL): The amount of a pollutant a stream or lake can receive and still meet water quality standards.

Best Management Practice: Methods and practices such as good housekeeping, spill prevention, or treatment measures to prevent or minimize pollutant discharges to a water body.

Point Source Pollution: Pollution directly from a pipe or a source that has a permit to operate and must contain and apply waste loading as required by their permit.

Non-Point Source Pollution: Pollution discharged other than through a pipe or ditch over a wide land area, originating from different sources, which enter water bodies through run-off or snowmelt and deposits the pollutants into ground or surface waters.